Leaking Urine

How to put an end to leaking urine without medication or surgery!

Are you leaking urine and you don’t know what to do about it? Do you leak urine when you cough or sneeze? When you run or jump? Right after you pee? Or when you put the key in the door? You may be thinking its “normal” after having a baby, or that it is “unavoidable” as you age.

What your experiencing is called URINARY INCONTINENCE and you don’t have to suffer in silence!

Always looking for a bathroom sign

Leaking urine comes with emotional & lifestyle struggles:

Embarrassment about accidents

Stigma about aging and loss of bladder control

Stress around bringing extra clothing or pads

Stress on hiding your accident if you have one

Worry about finding a bathroom or changing place

Embarrassment around leaking urine leads to withdrawal and isolation

Does that sound like you?

Have you pulled back from activities that cause leaking, like laughing hard or jumping?

Or noticed a change in your relationships from not wanting to participate or due to embarrassment?

Have your providers minimized the impact of leaking urine and made you feel like fixing it wasn’t achievable?

You are not alone!

We hear it often, women who are leaking urine get frustrated and down on themselves. They feel like they just have to live with it and there is no way to make it stop. The frustration, stress, and worry can spiral into feelings of isolation and withdrawal. Please know your bladder does not need to run your life. There is a better way and help is available!

Start by learning things you’re doing that may be making your leaking worse…

Not drinking enough fluids in fear of leaking

Doing “just in case” pees before you leave the house or as soon as you get to your destination

Avoiding exercise or physical exertion

Doing “Kegels” but not knowing if you’re doing them right

Commit to getting help:

We often put the needs of others first and don’t prioritize our own care. Make the decision that your wellbeing matters and is important.

When you are emotionally and physically well, you are able to show up better for those you love.

Partner with a pelvic floor PT

Learn about bladder training and bladder irritants so that you can get back in control.

Choose the right exercises for you and ensure you are doing them properly.

Get hands-on feedback about what your pelvic floor is doing and how to use it to its full potential

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Home visits available for the greater West Lafayette & Lafayette Indiana region. Virtual visits available to those beyond!